Monday, May 20, 2013


Last week was supposedly a bad  week for President Obama...Three scandals....Three scandals which I wrote about in detail....There was Benghazi, The IRS targeting the Tea Party and oh yeah, the Associated Press scandal....

Three scandals and the President's approval rating didn't dip not one iota.... Then there was the thing with the Marine holding the umbrella over the President's head in the rain...I gotta admit...You right wing, Fox News watching people were really stretching with that!!!! Seriously?? The marine holding the umbrella to shield the President from the rain??? ( I'm appalled that there is a photo of an aide or something holding an umbrella over Sarah Palin's head as she spoke to a crowd once...but...That's just me!) outrage, no mass protests in the street and nobody seemed to give a damn!

Okay,  I have to borrow this from fellow Philadelphian and Blogger, the Field Negro...Maybe if Barack has an affair with Olivia Pope and moves her into the White House..... THAT would be the scandal that would grab our attention!!!.... His approval rating still might not drop!!! They don't call him No Drama Obama for nothing.

Other than that happening....Sorry Republicans.....Foiled again!


Sean said...

Now that was funny!

Toni said...

Funny ,but true!


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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