Thursday, June 13, 2013

Two Cities (2013 NBA Finals)

I am enjoying these NBA finals!   For the first time in a long time...I'm not hoarse.....
For those of you who have followed me on social media ,have you noticed that I've had little to no comment about the NBA Finals!!  on Facebook or Twitter???

That's because I'm really not rooting for either team....But I find I am enjoying the finals more...I have no emotional stake in the outcome like I would if the Sixers were playing...I feel that one of my three grandchildren will be expecting their first child by the time the Sixers become relevant again.

I have emotional ties to both cities... I spent several summers of my childhood in Miami.  I have a lot of family there....My Grandmother and my mother used to send me and my cousin Tamera to Florida for the summer.  They called it "keeping us out of harms way."  I have to laugh at that.

I did my basic training for the United States Air Force in San -Antonio....and years later,I did a two week tour of duty there...Had a fabulous time...

How can I root for one over the other, when I've  left so much of me in both towns? 

I'm just sitting in fron of the television with some popcorn and a coke and enjoying some good basketball...If The Sixers were playing..I'd be yelling until I was hoarse...Pacing the floor and just generally a wreck until the game was over....

This is better...Well kinda sorta!

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