Friday, August 14, 2015

Weekend Humor

A man goes to a restaurant and is seated by an extremely sexy waitress.

When she asks him for his order he replies, "I'll have a quickie."

The waitress storms off angry.

After she regains composure she comes back and asks him once again what he will have.

He replies, "All I want is a quickie."

She can't control herself this time so she slaps him in the face...

"Heyyyyyyyy what the hell is eatin you?" says the man.

Another man ,sitting near him leans over and whispers,

 "Sir, I think it's pronounced ''Quiche'."

Everybody have a super groovy weekend!

1 comment:

Brenda said...



DEAR GOD: There are times when I feel completely helpless to alter the circumstances in my life. I am powerless to turn around a bad economy, or ensure a favorable report from my doctor, or guarantee my spouse will always love me, or make sure I am never in an accident. When I sense that I have no control over what is occurring in my life, my energy lags and fear and frustration begin to overwhelm me. Let your spirit of peace spill freely over me until I recover my inner calm. Help me remember that it is not control that gives me peace, but knowing that I am loved and beloved by the heart of heaven. Amen.

"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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