Saturday, March 14, 2020

Facts About the Corona Virus.

Short Attention Span Folks...Read this...No Jokes...FACTS-Facts and common sense... Repost! God is in control, but He also gives you the will to make intelligent decisions. EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS.

1. It isn't a cold and it isn't the flu. The symptoms are runny nose, fever, cough and trouble breathing, not crapping yourself, so quit stockpiling toilet paper you panic buying people!

2. There is no cure and there is no vaccine. A vaccine will take approx 18 months to develop and distrubute. That's next fall or the start of the 2021 NFL season for you mathematically challenged types!

3. The mortality rate is currently 3.4%. That is 34 times higher than the flu. So...again, this isn't the same as the seasonal flu for the dotards in the back of the class.

4. This is a numbers game! I know, I know, numbers suck, you hate thinking, you get all your info from memes on Facebook, blah, blah, blah 😢😢😢...shut up and read. According to current statistics COVID-19 kills approximately 34 people for every 1000 infected. If everyone in the world (8 Billion people) got COVID-19, 270 Million people would die 😱😱😱. There is no such thing as a "media overreaction" to something of this magnitude and as an avid news watcher, the media isn't overreacting, they are providing facts and educated opinion on a growing problem.

5. You can carry the virus for up to 14 days without symptoms. For all you handrail lickers, that means people can spread the virus without even knowing they have it.

6. For 80% of those infected the symptoms will be mild. Whew 😁😁😁!

7. For 16.6% of those infected the symptoms will be severe requiring hospitalization. Yikes - this is the group that can overwhelm our healthcare infrastructure 🏨🚑👨‍🔬

8. Again, for 3.4% of those infected this virus will kill you. Think about that number and the hundreds and thousands of people you know. Now picture your life without 3.4% of those people if all of them get infected before a vaccine is developed!

9. Little children who spend half their day eating dirt and picking their noses are somehow the least affected by the virus. Why am I not surprised at this one? On the other hand, the elderly, those with compromised immune systems, people with COPD, etc. are particularly at risk. These are your parents, grandparents, friends, family members and yes, even your enemies. And no...the virus doesn't give a crap if you lean left or right in your political views.

10. The best way to keep things from becoming a catastrophe or being an unknowing spreader of COVID-19 are to stay away from large crowds (yay), wash your fithly hands (duh) and practice social distancing (sorry close talkers). If you think you have COVID-19, stay home, self quarantine and monitor your symptoms. I also suggest taking the time to learn a little about infectious diseases and their history during any self imposed quarantine. That's my polite way of saying, "do some freaking research".

11. There is no need to stockpile toilet paper, hand sanitizer, bottled water, condoms, etc. People doing this are, well.....idiots or at best overestimating their chances of getting lucky during this pandemic.

12. If any of the math and science confuses you, get off social media, stop sharing your uneducated "I'm not going to let this affect me" opinions and memes on this pandemic and go back to school. This isn't about your desire to "live free", it's about limiting the spread and impact of a virus that hopitalizes 20% and indiscriminately kills 3.4% of the people who get it. If you think this thing can't get out of control here, take a look at Italy right now and picture their situation multiplied by a factor of 5!

13. This public service announcement is brought to you by math, science and the established facts on COVID-19 to date.

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"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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