Sunday, January 3, 2021

Time To Go!

Last year it was proven that Donald Trump abused the power of his office...That's why he was impeached...

Republican Senators refused to convict him...They said rather than remove him from office...Let the people decide come election time..

Well, the people have decided...They voted him out...He lost be 7 million votes....81 million people decided that they had had enough....He lost by Electoral votes, 306- 232......

The people decided and some of these Republicans still are trying to keep him in office....close to 60 lawsuits, with him losing all but one...The Supreme  Court rejected him twice...His own Attorney General, the Head of the Cyber Security  unit that was established to monitor the election and Judges of six state applelate and federal courts all said that this was a fair and free election....What more does he want? What more does he need?

Just because he says the election was rigged (and he has a history of making claims like this when something doesn't go his way, going all the way back to the Emmys one year when the Apprentice got shut out) doesn't make it so. 

Mr. President....Give it up! It's Over...It's a wrap!  Time to go!.

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