Thursday, January 6, 2022

January 6th (A year later)


It's been a year since a mob of Trump supporters, a violent mob of the most stupid and hateful people in the country over ran the Capital Police and charged into the capital...Yelling "Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence.."  They were yelling "Smash the G.O.P. , Smash The G.O.P."  They would have yelled anything... At one point they would have all broke out and sung "We all live in the Yellow Submarine"

This was the most shameful and horrific attack on the Capital of the United States since the War of 1812.

They destroyed property, they defecated and pissed in the hallways and they went on a mad search to kill and destroy any Congressman or woman or Senator of either party they came across...The Murderous mob even brought nooses to hanf Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and others.

To date 724 people who took part in this have been arrested and charged with a variety of misdemeanors and felonies.

All of this was to disrupt the count and certification of a lawful election in which more people voted in recent history.

All of this was done at the behest of one man..

Donald J. Trump, the worst President in American History, The Worst President of all times, A Narcissist and Sociopath who just couldn't believe that he lost the election... A man who wanted the votes of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, New Mexico and one other state thrown out so that he could win the election... A man who issued 62 failing lawsuits and 2 unsuccessful runs at the Supreme Court to throw out the results of a free and fair election.

A Man who doesn't care about democracy or rule of law, but who only saw the Presidency as an asset he could exploit.

The disgraced, twice impeached former president couldn't bring himself to concede and because of him ,for the first time in U.S. History there was not a peaceful transfer of power.

Today , one year later, He is still feeding the "BIG LIE" that the election was stolen from him and that there was massive election fraud during the election.

Because he continues with this nonsense with not an ounce of proof... A large swath of the population (mainly older and frightened white people) believe that there is massive election fraud and that Joe Biden is not the duly elected President of the United States.

48 out of 50 States are establishing voter suppression laws to keep Black, Latino, Native American, Asian and young college educated people from voting...or rather to make it more difficult for them to vote.

This man and his whining and lying has divided the nation more than it has ever been and is the greatest threat to our democracy.

Today is January 6th 2022.  Right now MSNBC and CNN have a number of people giving speeches and "commemorating this day.

This isn't a day that should be commemorated..This is perhaps the worst day in American History.. A day that we should try to put out of our memory...A day that should remind us that we need to Pass the

John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act NOW!!.... No more speeches or lofty oratory, Carve out the Fillibuster and pass these acts to stop voter suppression now.. 

While it's admirable that 724 people have been arrested and charged with crimes for that horrible day, it's time to arrest the people who made it happen...Not just the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers and the like, but Mo Brooks, Steve Bannon, Mikey Flynn, Donald Trump Jr. and most of all DONALD J. TRUMP, the mastermind behind the whole thing.. Arrest and convict them now..

You can hold your breath, waiting for anyone in that crew to be brought to justice.,(I'll believe it when I see it.)

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