Saturday, June 11, 2022

Saturday 7-7 Relationship Myths (From 2013)


From time to time I like to keep it smurfy and light hearted on this blog and weekends are that time for me...I tend to shy away from politics and world affairs and center on fun things....Today is one of those days...So consider yourself lucky...

So Let's look at seven relationship myths....

1. Opposites Attract! - of the oldest and most untrue myths around...It’s rare to see a long-term relationship that’s been based on opposite personalities or preferences. We are more likely to be attracted to people who are like ourselves in terms of values and background and basic beliefs...but I'm sure..most of you know that right?

2.You Can Change a Person... Another myth....Women believe this one for some reason that is just beyond me....If you meet a person after say the age of 12....They are who they are and as Maya Angelou says.."When people show you who they are...Believe em"....People want to be challenged—not changed. A Guy wants to be challenged to become a better version of himself and who he ultimately wants to be, not the person you want him to be. This probably goes both ways!

3.Women are attracted to different types of Guys at different times in their life/ Men are attracted to different types of women at any given time in their lives... This is probably not a myth...It's probably true!

4.It's Better to Live Together Before Marriage.  - Believe it or not and it might sound surprising coming from me, (Especially if you  have read my fictional stories in my other blog, "Escapades") but this is NOT TRUE!  The value of cohabiting before tying the knot essentially boils down to who you both are as individuals...It is generally believed that couples who don’t live together tend to be more religious than couples who do, and those kinds of differences, not whether you live together before marriage, are more indicative of relationship success. Basically though I believe this...Ladies....if he's that serious about you...Tell him to put a ring on it first...then let him move in.

5.Pheromones aren't real....Oh yes they are!  I know, some of you are going ...Huh? What? They are smells, smells the human body gives off, despite showering and cologne or perfume that makes the opposite sex attractive to you..Animals know all about it. Pheromones are totally a thing, and they help determine whom we’re attracted to. Recent research has shown that women are more drawn to the smell of some men’s T-shirts after the guy has slept in them a few nights. (That's why I keep that Eagles T-shirt around!)

6.Marriage Kills Your Sex Life!   Not True!  I have heard people say this, but it's usually bitter guys, guys who are on the verge of divorce....What they should say is ...a bad marriage ruins your sex life...A study from 1994 shows married people have sex more often than singles and about the same amount as couples who live together.

7.You should wait until the third date before having sex...   Well...I'll say this about that... The average guy  knows pretty soon if he's into a woman and wants to have a relationship,and this goes both ways “If a man sleeps with a woman and doesn't call her again, chances are he was never going to follow up and pursue the woman  in the first place. I'm a guy. Guys don't generally analyze these things the way women think they do. Very few guys will think, I really like her and am into her; but we slept with together…so I guess it's over! And as for the ones who do,Ladies do you really want to date them?" For real?  Bottom line: Do what you’re comfortable with, when you’re comfortable with it.

Well....Now that I've cleared that up for you...Enjoy your Saturday folks!

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