Before President Barack Obama's speech two nights ago on his health care reform plan, I admit, I had never heard of Joe Wilson. If you're not in the House, the Senate, or from the state of South Carolina, chances are, you've never heard of him either... until now! While the President was speaking to a national audience... this cretin yells out... "YOU LIE!" and is immediately booed by everyone around him, as he should have been.
One of my co-workers (who reads this blog) told me that when President Bush was disrespected by the "shoe-thrower" last year, I had a very good time with it and that was one of his favorite posts of mine. While that was also blatant disrespect for the president, it was also performed by a foreign citizen in a foreign country so, it's not actually the same thing.
Joe Wilson is an American citizen... at least, that's the going rumor. He is an elected official of the House of Represenatives, representing the State of South Carolina. This was a joint meeting of the House and the Senate, aired across the nation and possibly around the world. He wasn't at a football game... he wasn't drunk. He was just being what he is... a disrespectful bastard!
Anybody got a problem with that? You tell me what he was then? A College Frat Boy? He certainly acted like one the other night during the president's speech. What he's actually done is hurt his party's cause and possibly his chances at re-election. Although in some sections of South Carolina, he might actually be hailed as some kind of hero or something. Crazy has become appealing nowadays... just ask Glenn Beck.
In the height of his sexual scandals, Bill Clinton was not heckled or treated with this kind of disrespect. George Bush, despite his administration's numerous mis-steps (as well as some of his own), was never heckled in Congress or in a national address. At press conferences where journalists are allowed to question the president, more respect has been shown than what was shown the other night by Joe Wilson.
I read an article by a British journalist defending Joe Wilson, saying that he was merely exercising his "Democratic right to dissent." I get that but, there is respectful dissent and then there is Joe Wilson yelling "YOU LIE!" as though he was at an Eagles game in mid-November. I don't buy that right to dissent or freedom of speech argument. You know why? It's only pulled out when racists and people on the right wing get "called" for the lies, defemation, and misinformation that they spread. Nobody ever defends my right of free speech and dissent when they are disagreeing with something I write here. ("You hear that Anonymous?")
It's Friday, the weekend is about to begin, and I don't want to waste anymore time and energy on South Carolina represenative and national embarrassment, Joe Wilson. However, I do want to urge everybody in South Carolina to vote for his opponent, Rob Miller in the upcoming election. I might even send money to his campaign. Now, take that Joe!
Footnote: Click this link to go to Joe Wilson's official website and let him know just how you feel about it. Oh yeah, that's right... as of this writing, the site was "temporarily unavailable due to exceptionally high traffic!
I am so glad you wrote this Keith,
People need to know the names of folk like this and need to vote them out of office.
I'm so sick of people like him.
I called his line and got an aide..and I went to his website, which has got so much traffic, it's shut down! lolololol.
Thanks for printing the link to his website...but when I attempted to go to was shut down..Apparently , a lot of folks are letting him hear it. Good!
What an idiot! I don't have the words left to describe this man..
I'm too angry..Thank you Keith for putting him on blast!
Hey Keith,thanks for calling him out..Didn't know if you were going to speak on this or not. You were a lot nicer than I would have been.
Good Post Keith...Thanks for ringing the alarm!
Joe Wilson is history....I heard that contributions just flowed in for Rob Miller, his upcoming opponent.If I was in South Carolina,I sure would vote against him.
I saw Rush Limbaugh on CNN last night defending Joe Wilson and blasting Republicans who denounced his behavior...simply because he apologized. What a jerk!
The best way to insure that this climate is ended is not only to go out and exercise your right to vote,but to e-mail,fax and do whatever you can to let these politicians know how you feel when they do and say these things...Let them hear your voice.
This guy,Joe Wilson was fouler than foul..When he jumped up and screamed out "You Lie"..The hairs on the back of my neck rose up..
I wanted to go into the screen and grip him up!
The ignorance and hatred and utter lack of respect shown by some of these politicos is simply astounding!
I tried to go on his website,but it was shut down due to "heavy traffic" lolol..Yeahhhh,I bet it was heavy.
Joe Wilson actually hurt his party's chances of scoring any points and he may have hurt himself. You should see the money coming into Rob Miller's campaign and from all over..What a nut!
Keith, write and fight as long as you can...lololololol...The republicans are going to hear about you one day and go after you
brother..lolololol...In the meanwhile,Keep banging..
I don't know if Joe Wilson shut down his website or closed it himself..I tried to go on the link you printed and it said his site was shut down due to heavy traffic.
I called his hotline and got an aide who said he would "log in my complaint." Hah..Fat chance of that happening.
You know I've been to that site and called too!! I agree, free speech has the requirement of civility in the congress. Joe, the ignorant's son was on CBS this morning talking about how frustrated his dad was with the process of writing the healthcare bill. He said his dad is a loyal republican with strong republican beliefs. Well, that doesn't make sense. Republicans don't believe in big government but this man made his career and livelihood in government, and raised his son to want to work in the government they have no faith in. (the son is running for state attorney general...remember Bush's "Saddam tried to kill my daddy" will this be another nut job??)
And as long as your sending political contributions... send some $$$ to Bryan who's running for City Council in Reidsville, NC. He's the only African American on the ballot in that small town and facing strong political pressure from his "monied" opponents who would prefer erecting a Greek style outdoor theatre than a municipal pool. Folks with money there belong to private swim clubs. You know who the people without money are. He needs support.
Joe Wilson will get a job at Fox when his term is up. Or he'll get a popular show on talk radio. I don't really think he has too much to worry about. That being said, that was totally disrespectful. Its one thing for a regular joe to say that, but not an elected official.
@Rashann-lolololol ,Yeah, you're probably right.
Finally I was able to get through a full article without my computer freezing. I don't know why but I still have that problem when I visit!
I couldn't believe how disrespectul he was to OUR/HIS President, his boss and the leader of our country! I wish there was some way he could be fired! Fuggin' Dumb ass! I agree I might shoot a few bucks to his opponent too *rolls eyes*
Whats crazy is the bastard lied when he called Obama a liar there was nothing in the bill allowing illegals acces to healthcare. And yet he still suckered two Dem senators to re-look over the bill.
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