Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What The Hell?

I suppose this is the last one of these for the year (I hope it is anyway) One from the truly, I can't make this up file..Remember how Flip Wilson used to say -'The Devil made me do it?" Well ,I guess in this case...The Holy Ghost made her do it...or at least...that's what she's saying... Dallas pastor ,Sandy McGriff burglarized a church member's house stealing $10,000 worth of furs, purses and electronics.

Pastor McGriff claims that she didn't break into her friend's home. Instead, she says she felt the holy ghost tell her to stop by Agnew's house on the way to pick up a peach cobbler from a friend. I kid you not, this is what she told the police.The pastor said that upon her arrival, she saw two men leaving the property and spotted a window that was broken. Instead of calling 911, she climbed through the window and "protected her friend's belongings" in the event that the burglars came back.

"I thought I was helping," said Pastor McGriff. Uh huh. Try helping herself to her friend's belongings ,knowing that she wouldn't be home on Christmas eve. The "good reverend" is blaming the Holy Ghost to boot on Christmas Eve? (Can you say, "No shame in her game?," )
followed closely by "sheer and utter foolishness." If blasphemy was a crime, Pastor McGriff, who spent most of Christmas day in jail, should be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Unbelievable!!!! I hope this true story has you laughing as hard as I'm laughing....


Brenda said...

Oh you must be kidding!

James Perkins said...

Too damn funny!

Sunflower said...

She ought to be ashamed! LOL!

Toni said...

Funny you ran this story and your present story in Escapades is about a serial killer hiding behind the cloth...Don't want to be standing next to you in a thunderstorm!-lol

Angie B. said...

LMBAO at what Toni wrote!

Jazzy said...

LOL-That's crazy fam!

Big Mark 243 said...

SMH... 'nuff said...

...or maybe not... didn't Shippensburg State used to play an annual game at Michigan Stadium in the 80's??

Angela H said...

This church is right down the street from my house. Lord have mercy!!

Brian said...

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Anonymous said...
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