Wednesday, April 18, 2018

About That Starbucks Incident In Philadelphia

Recently, two African-American Men were arrested in a Philadelphia Starbucks Barista...They weren't armed, they weren't bothering anybody, they weren't causing any trouble...They were simply sitting in the establishment ,waiting for a friend...

Problem is..They hadn't purchased anything..

One of them asked to use the restroom...He was refused the key....A conversation took place...

Police were called and the two men were arrested...

This has caused a national uproar and I keep wondering...Why in 2018 does this type of thing keep happening?

Here are my thoughts on the Starbucks incident in my city....First off...Everyone should take a deep breath and pump their breaks...Boycotting All Starbucks establishments because of the actios of one ignoramus in one location is kind of unfair... Yes this manager was wrong to call the police on two men who weren't bothering anybody ,who were sitting quietly and talking...and had asked for the restroom key......Even if they hadn't purcased anything...They did not deserve to be arrested....And before anybody says a word....I myself have sat in Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts and countless other establishments and haven't purchased a thing...

I have gone in establishments just to use the facilities...Used them and left without buying a thing...I have sat in many establishments with friends , waiting for other friends ,so we could go someplace else...and not bought a thing..And guess what? So have many other people...They do it all the time...They sit in places just because they have free wifi and use their laptops, tablets and phones AND DON'T PURCHASE A THING and THEY DON'T GET ARRESTED AND GO TO JAIL EITHER!... 

This was an isolated incident where one power tripping individual decided to use his/her authority and have two people arrested...This never should have happened..But like I said...It's an isolated incident..

I know for a fact it doesn't happen at every Starbucks...And The person writing this...Yours Truly does not even drink Starbucks coffee...I'm a Dunkin Donuts and WAWA coffee man myself.
I applaud the two young men who took the arrest quietly without incident ...because the situation could have escalated into something else all together...

I'm glad it didn't...On the other hand...They were locked up for nine hours before everything was cleared up and no charges were filed...A waste of time for everybody involved...The Police, The young men et al... The little self important ignoramus that called the police in the first place must feel very proud of themselves.

You can say this had nothing to do with race, but it had everything to do with race...Had this been two white males in some dockers and a t-shirts..wearing loafers...I doubt that police would have been called...I wouldn't be writing this...

This is about race ...Racial profiling....

White people don't understand (or don't want to understand) because it never happens to them...It wouldn't happen to them...but thank GOD for the honest ones who see it and call it what it is..

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