Monday, March 29, 2010

Random Thoughts

1. If I believed every perception and misperception held about me at the moment, my feelings might be hurt!

2. The trait I most deplore about myself is that I seem to need validation from
people who have nothing to do with my being here or my well-being.

3. I'm not a hard boiled man. I'm a family guy, but I deal with quite a few hard
boiled people in my day-to-day life.

4. The trait I most value in a friend is loyalty. You can't measure that or put a
price on it!

5. My greatest regret is having a regret!

6. The most overused phrase I keep hearing is... "At the end of the day...." Please, don't anybody else say that around me!

7. The thing I most admire about myself is that I don't take myself too seriously. Some folks
have me scratching my head with their over-bloated sense of self-importance.

8. Why do people go on social networking sites and only socialize with people they know? Apparently the word "networking" got by them at some point.

9. My favorite writers at the moment would have to be Zane and Walter Mosley! (The fact that
I just purchased new novels by both has nothing to do with it.)

10. Spring and warm temperatures always seems to bring out the best in me.

11. Resilient people adapt to whatever situation fate places them in. This is why nothing gets them down or stops them from being successful.

12. Is it me or is ABC suddenly becoming the network to watch again, like it was in the 70's (for those of you who remember)?


Arlene said...

Shakespeare! Some of the "hard-boiled" are in our family!! LOL
And I'm one that fits #8 - on a social networking site with the goal of connecting only with family and long established personal friends. I don't want to meet new folks. I just want to be in on the happenings. Well, not "in" but "aware of" the happenings, so if I wanted to participate, I could. I'm old and nosey!! And I agree that ABC has become more attractive of late. Maybe because Charlie Gibson is gone. He was too conservative for my tastes and he reported how he felt about issues not the news in an unbiased informational way.

P.S. When is Rush's bon voyage party? I'm making my prize winning chocolate cake for the celebration. Is it at your house?

12kyle said...

Dope randomness!

I have to agree with #10

Mizrepresent said...

i have been honestly dealing with #1 and #2 for the last couple of months...but i finally resolved to just believe in me, and what i believe about myself. Great post, luved it!


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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