1. Give A Great Massage: Forget that jive two-minute guilt-trip massage. She deserves a full forty-five minutes of pleasure. (Right Ladies?)
2. Be Able To Buy A Woman Clothing (besides lingerie): Come on, get your grown man on, learn her dress size... utilize that credit or atm card. She'll appreciate your attention to detail.
3. Console A Crying Woman: Being a gentleman means carrying a handkerchief, then approaching as if advancing on a wounded animal. There is definitely a seductive skill to being able to do this... ask Babyface and Brian Mcknight!
4. Console a Crying Baby: As a grandfather twice over, I've had plenty of practice at this one. First of all, don't get all bent out of shape. Accept that the baby's feelings are legitimate. The infant must perceive your empathy and calm and feel absolutely confident in it.
5. Look Damn Good In a Photograph: Find a photo of yourself you like (or that your wife or significant other likes) and study it. Notice the way you're holding your head and the way your body is positioned. Those are the angles that work for you. Work it, man!
6. Parallel Park A Car Like A Man, Damn It!: I must admit that this is why I had to take my driving exam multiple times before I finally passed it... but, it is a great skill to have. Parallel parking is 90% formula with just a little wiggle room for feel and flair.
7. Make A Decent Drink, Just For Her: It has been my experience that some ladies always know just what they want to drink. Others don't. Some want a suggestion, a surprise, something light and delicious and just for them. Something like the Rose Cocktail, a Parisian favorite from the 1920s that turns vermouth and dry cherry brandy into something very special indeed. (I saw James Bond order that for somebody in one of his movies. I've never had vermouth in my life!) Still being able to make your lady love a simple drink is a great skill to have.
2. Be Able To Buy A Woman Clothing (besides lingerie): Come on, get your grown man on, learn her dress size... utilize that credit or atm card. She'll appreciate your attention to detail.
3. Console A Crying Woman: Being a gentleman means carrying a handkerchief, then approaching as if advancing on a wounded animal. There is definitely a seductive skill to being able to do this... ask Babyface and Brian Mcknight!
4. Console a Crying Baby: As a grandfather twice over, I've had plenty of practice at this one. First of all, don't get all bent out of shape. Accept that the baby's feelings are legitimate. The infant must perceive your empathy and calm and feel absolutely confident in it.
5. Look Damn Good In a Photograph: Find a photo of yourself you like (or that your wife or significant other likes) and study it. Notice the way you're holding your head and the way your body is positioned. Those are the angles that work for you. Work it, man!
6. Parallel Park A Car Like A Man, Damn It!: I must admit that this is why I had to take my driving exam multiple times before I finally passed it... but, it is a great skill to have. Parallel parking is 90% formula with just a little wiggle room for feel and flair.
7. Make A Decent Drink, Just For Her: It has been my experience that some ladies always know just what they want to drink. Others don't. Some want a suggestion, a surprise, something light and delicious and just for them. Something like the Rose Cocktail, a Parisian favorite from the 1920s that turns vermouth and dry cherry brandy into something very special indeed. (I saw James Bond order that for somebody in one of his movies. I've never had vermouth in my life!) Still being able to make your lady love a simple drink is a great skill to have.
#3 - But Brian McKnight and Babyface are divorced.
I'm just saying.
lol @Rich! I love the list, and i happen to believe that there are men that still exist like this...somewhere. smile
Good ones, Keith. #1 is very important, the art of touch is period. #2 is a lost art, something I remember my dad always keeping up with.
#5 is the money bro!
At least I know I don't have anything to worry about, because I always look good!
Bravo Keith!LOL!
Ditto what Cheryl Said Keith, Great post!
I've been waiting for a post like this! Kudos to you!
Good Morning Keith...Love these Saturday 7 posts you do.
Numbers #1 and 7 is the business!
Love all seven of em Keith!
You're preachin here Keith!lol!
I'm With Soloman, Number 5 is indeed money...All of my photos look damn good! LOL!
Love this post Keith!
@Mizrepresent- There are many men just like this..I for one am one of them!LOL!
Another winner bruh!
Okayyyyyyyyy!!!!! LOL!
I like this list!
Number six is the business bruh!
Good Post bruh...I dug 1,2, 6 and 7.
Cool Post Mr. rennasaince man..lol!
I loved this post Keith....You'e definitely in tune to women!
Hey I must have a good one then...I'ma hold on to him a lil longer ;-) LOL!
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