Monday, February 12, 2024

Monday, February 5, 2024

What I've Learned


1. Cutting ties with someone doesn’t automatically mean they are a “bad” person. The connection may no longer be serving a beneficial purpose. 

 2. You don’t have to return or match energy. Ego will say “do them how they do you” or “I need my lick back” but that negativity takes a lot of energy. 

 3. Expectations cause disappointment. Meet people where they are or choose to cut ties. Don’t hold them to expectations you created but be true to what you want and need. Refer to number 1. 

 4. The feelings are valid. You may feel as if you’re overreacting but your feelings are valid. Now, you have to decide how to express them without attacking. 

5. The truth can be told without trying to tear someone down. Some people have mistaken “honesty” and just being mean. Your delivery of “truth” matters. What’s the goal? To make someone feel bad or to shed light on something important? 

 6. Friendships take work just like romantic relationships take work. Show up in your friendships. 

 7. A man with no purpose can not lead. He has no clue where he’s going. 

 8. No one can “complete” you. It’s a made up concept that causes people to be codependent. Come whole, do the work, don’t depend on someone else for your complete happiness. 

 9. Asking for help and being vulnerable are strengths but you have to know who to confide in, in these moments. 

 10. Showing up for you doesn’t have to mean not showing up for others. Everything requires balance.

Special Thanks to Rahida Rahida, proof positive, you can learn valuable lessons from others.



"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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