Tuesday, September 6, 2016

What I've Learned

1. Stupid is as Stupid does

2.A Lie travels the world twice while truth is trying to put it's pants on...

3.It's Hard to speak the truth in a world where people don't realize they are living a lie.

4.Sometimes (In this day and age) I should change my phone number to just hang up and text me

5.If making someone happy costs me my happiness, then I can no longer afford them.

6.Question everything...Trust Nothing?

7.Never Give Your Cell Phone Number, excuse Me, Smart Phone Number to a questionable Person...They'll put it on the Internet.

8.Happiness is more or less being loved back by the people you love.

9.One way to get attention is by no longer needing it!

10.Reality is what it is...Not Always what one wishes it to be.


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"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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