Friday, June 23, 2017

Weekend Humor

One day three golfers were playing a round of golf.

They were on the ninth hole near the highway getting ready to tee off.

 One of the golfers had his club in mid swing when he noticed a funeral procession coming up the highway.

 He lowered his club and took off his hat as he stood there reverently waiting for it to pass.

The other two golfers followed suit and all three stood quietly until the last car was out of sight. The first golfer then made a beautiful drive right down the middle of the fairway. "You know Jack?"

One of the other golfers said. "That was really nice the way you waited for that funeral procession to pass."

"Well I felt it was the least I could do." Jack responded.

"After all she did give me 30 of the best years of her life." he said.

Everybody have a sensational weekend!

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"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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