Monday, July 8, 2019

The Real Little Mermaid

All this controversy because Disney chose a Black Actress to play a live action version of the Little Mermaid... Really??

The Racism and Idiocy of some people in this country never ceases to just totally astound me...

Let me give you folks a brutal history lesson, for those that don't know..and judging the furor over this..many of you don't know.

 The Little Mermaid is based on a book by Hans Christian Anderson published in 1837 where "Ariel" (that wasn't her name in the book)has her tongue ripped out in exchange for feet (feet that bleed the entire time she's on land, by the way).

She comes on land to try to win the prince's love in order to steal part of his soul (mermaids apparently don't have souls, but live for 300 years, so I guess you win some, ya lose some, go figure.).

She fails, and the prince marries someone else. She contemplates murdering him in his bed, but can't bring herself to do it, so she dies/melts into seafoam.

 By the way, her skin is green. There. Now I'VE ruined your childhood, and you can stop complaining about/debating the casting choice of a Disney remake about fish people... People who by the way DON'T EXIST!!!

This was a horrific story and Disney(rightfully so) changed it when they decided to adapt it into an animated cartoon.. She had a singing crab to accompany her...There was Calypso music sung by other fish and a nice sweet story that has a happy ending..

I remember, however...The Book being read to me as a child and how horrific it was..

I don't like Mermaids anyway...So this whole issue means less than nothing to me...I just thought I'd enlighten anybody who cares to read this..

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"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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