Thursday, September 26, 2019

Will President Trump Be Impeached?

President Donald Trump may finally have gone too damn far....He is close to being impeached...Really he's done so much to be impeached for...I can't understand why this hasn't happened sooner..
I remember the 90's when Democratic President, Bill Clinton was on the hot seat...

Democratic supporters called Newt Gingrich and the House Republicans rabid attacks on Clinton a witch hunt.

President  Clinton instead of proving the Republicans wrong simply couldn’t change who he was and with it; came Monica Lewinsky.

He simply proved to Republicans that he was indeed the man they said he was.

So given that; Republicans really have no grounds for woe is meism and outrage over these proceedings.

President Trump over the past three years has done little to dispel the assertions about him and the phony outrage from Republicans is a bit like a Jaws 4; a terrible movie with a terrible script and god awful actors.

So let’s see how this plays out but that this is unwarranted truly tests the boundaries of party over Country. Time will tell.

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