Friday, November 22, 2019

Yes, I Believe Them

Every single one of these people testified under oath. One of them testified twice. 

These people with the exception of one are all career ambassadors and State Officials. They don’t make a lot of money, (Well one does. But that’s because he was already rich and donated $1 million dollars to the Trump Campaign — He’s also the only one who testified twice, was hand picked by Trump and had the second most damaging testimony ) 

Moving on... These people have served more than one president of both parties. One has a Purple Heart and testified with shrapnel still in his body. 

Another was once taking a test, had her pigtails put on fire by a classmate, put out the fire with her hands, continued the test and got an “A”. 

These people put their lives and career on the line. (Yes, some of them have even had death threats.) — They are paying for their legal counsel themselves. This is what patriots do. They put country first, before party, and before Presidents. -Maxwell Glenn

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