Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Last Word On Donald Trump!


PLEASE! Remind me, please, why anyone voted for Trump? Obama turned the economy around and saved the auto industry and housing market and stock market and everything else so don't tell me it was the economy! What could it possibly be?

Racism! Xenophobia.  He started his campaign downing Immigrants...Brown skinned Immigrants from Mexico...Promising to build a wall to "Protect us(Us meaning White Americans ) from "Them."

He was the one who started all of that "Birther" mess during the Obama Administration...

HE was the guy who hated all the kinds of people some white people hated..He made it safe to be a racist bigot again...He made it cool....That's why he's still so popular with certain people.

Look at his rallies, Look at the kind of people who attend.. Look at January 6th...Look at the kind of people who stormed the Capital....

That explains it all!

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