Monday, July 4, 2022

A Celebration of Independance For Who?

 My Independence day is Juneteenth, when the last of my enslaved ancestors were set free from the plantations...

I imagine being a woman doesn't feel good on this fourth of July...The Supreme Court overturned  Roe vs. Wade..which means my two Grand-daughters now have less rights than their mother and their grandmother...

So this is a celebration of Independance for who? Straight White Males!  

The Founders of this nation were straight white male land owners...People that look like me, a Black man were slaves and not considered completely human... Woman couldn't vote and were considered the property of their husbands...Native Americans weren't considered citizens even though they were here first, this was technically their country..

So like I asked before..This is a celebration of Independance for who?

Until America wakes up and celebrates all of it's citizens, African -American, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Indigeneous Americans, Woman and LGBTQ Americans...This can't really be an independence day....because all Americans aren't truly 100 percent independent!

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"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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