Wednesday, November 2, 2022

What I've Learned

1. Everything I learned about Politics came from my everyday living...My money or lack of it...The people's quiet desperation around me... That's what formed my ideology...Not the Little Red Book!

2.  Freedom is being able to exist in public spaces without worrying about if somebody is carrying a gun.

3. I haven't felt Safe or Free in a long time.

4. What did I do well as a Father? I was there all the time, for everything, from parent-teacher meetings to Basketball games, Tennis matches, Weddings, birth of my grand children...I was around.

5. Your children, Your Grandchildren...They eventually grow up and have their own thoughts ,their own ideas, you have to give them room to explore all of that.

6. Your Children, Your Grandchildren are people...just like you are, just like you were, You need to give them the ability to be who they are destined to be.

7. I enjoy singing because it's a beautiful way to express myself.

8. Cicero said "The Eyes are the interpreters of the soul. That is true! I believe it!

9. Patience truly is a virtue,,,,So many people will try yours.

10. At the end of the day...The person who endures and survives is the winner.


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"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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