Wednesday, February 1, 2023

What I've Learned


1. I Like to write Alone... The magic happens then...

2. A lot of good ideas for my stories and blog posts come to me in the wee morning hours at daybreak..

3. A Person close to you dies... They're gone.. It takes a minute for me to realize that I'm never going to see them again, never hear their voice again....Not in this life.

4. I never learned how to properly grieve... I've lost so many people in so short a time...

5.Now Of Days, I have almost the same reaction to someone telling me a relative of theirs died as I do to someone telling me they just bought a new shirt, Blank.

6. I've learned over the years that I'm empty inside...

7.I believe I once was full...Full of emotions, Full of Spirit...I wonder what happened?

8.When People Die and you're going through their things...Sometimes something of theirs will make you smile..It'll give you a nice memory... In that way...The person is still alive, Still with you...

9. Rest is important in a day...Can't go full blast all day!

10.Peace is not having a beef with anyone and minding one's own business.


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"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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