Thursday, August 29, 2024

Anniversary of The March On Washington-

 AUGUST 28th 1963

On this day, 61 years ago...People of all races and religions gathered in Washington D.C. to demand the right to vote, full and fair employment , civil rights and an assortment of other things... 

My only surviving Aunt on my mother's side was at that March...(Vivian Lanier, who turned 100 in April)

 I imagine most of the people at that march are now deceased.. but I can never forget what they were marching for... They were marching for me!

 I was 5 years old at the time of that March...I hadn't even started Kintergarden yet....I probably was not even aware of such a momentous occasion....but I am now....and every time I vote...Every time I exercise my right to vote...I'm doing it for them...All of those folk who sacrificed a day in their lives for me..

Never forget their sacrifice...Take Voting seriously....because they did!

(Oh and for the record, Trump didn't have a bigger crowd than this!)

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"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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