Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What Have We Done?

Donald Trump is the new President Elect! I can't believe what I am waking up to this morning.....I thought the majority of the American people were smarter than this...Better than this...Unfortunately they are not...He is not the guy you who voted for him think he is...and you'll find out..... Finally, Thank you to all of you people who voted for third party candidates or didn't vote at all supposedly to make a point! Look what we have now....Did you make your point? Grow Up! We have made a grave mistake here..A grave mistake....And time will bear me out on this..There is no silver lining here...None at all.

1 comment:

bayoucreole said...

Agreed. All of that "I'm not gonna vote"or "I'm doing a protest vote" mess helped to get us where we are today.


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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