Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Ketangi Brown


To many, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's appointment is a clear example of affirmative action and she is having her qualifications questioned. 

But out of the 115 people confirmed to the Supreme Court,

 40 of them were never a judge before being put on the SCOTUS. 

18 of them never completed law school, and 47 of them never even attended law school. Meanwhile Judge Jackson went to Harvard Law school, was an editor of the Harvard law review, has been a Judge for 9 years, was a criminal defense lawyer and she had 3 federal clerkships including clerking on the SCOTUS. 

It's amazing that dozens of the white men on the SCOTUS didn't even have a law degree; nobody asked about their qualifications, and nobody questioned their rulings or Judgement. 

But one black lady since 1789 has the potential of being confirmed and suddenly; people are worried about qualifications. 

These are the same people who will say stuff like "It's not about race" "I don't see color" . My hope is that she shakes things up on that bench!

written by Joseph McKenzie


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