Monday, March 21, 2022

What I've Learned


1. When you're talking to a Novelist or one who writes short stories or a songwriter.. You're talking to a liar.. That's what we do..We make stuff up!

2. You only have so many damn's to give in your life, so don't give a damn about anything that's not worthy of it.

3. My Goal is to get to 100.  I'll be 64 on Wednesday...That gives me 36 more years! I like those odds!

4. Luck is believing you're lucky....If you think you're lucky...You are!

5. The world is so full of information and ways to get this information...It's a wonder we don't all collapse of mental overloads.

6. Never really was stuck on Money...But I always wanted to get paid for what I did.

7. I realize now that for most of life I was grossly underpaid.

8. Life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone.

9. I often wonder what death is like... Does everything just go blank?

10.I have three Grand children...that's two more than I expected to have.. I feel blessed.


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"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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