Monday, May 13, 2013

Like Sheep

This is so true...We follow behind trends like sheep...I thought social media would connect us, make us more aware faster...This was the dream I had when I started this blog...but I see social media has actually exposed how lazy and stupid we are...

We follow anything that's trending like it is gospel...We have gotten so lazy that we don't even research things anymore...Case in point..

The great Lena Horne died three years ago on May 9,2010...Yet somebody on either Twitter or Facebook posted that she just died on Friday...I was amazed at how many of my friends...people who I thought were reasonably intelligent began immediately posting eulogies and condolences and writing -"Awww Lawd, Lena done died..." Like it just happend..

Lena Horne has been dead and is cold in the ground...Yet all weekend there were tributes on Facebook and Twitter...

These rumors have had Bill Cosby, Nelson Mandela and Yul Gibbons all dead...Wait a minute....Yul Gibbons is dead!  But the Cos is very much alive... So is Nelson Mandela.  This is why people will believe things like the so called Benghazi conspiracy that was created by FOX NEWS in colusion with their political arm ,the Republican Party...

I've been saying it since I started this blog...We have got to read more...Investigate more...It is so easy...You don't even have to go to the library...You can,with the touch of a keystroke...Google or Bing anything...Are we THAT lazy that we won't even Google or Bing something???

Don't just take everything you see on Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,Blogger,Tumblr or whatever as gospel...Don't even take what you read in the newspapers or magazine as gospel...Look into things...It's not that hard...Hear an opposing opinion, Read every side of an issue...Not that hard,doesn't take that long and costs you nothing...

Just a keystroke....Just a damn keystroke... Damn!  Sop being like Sheep.


Toni said...

So True!

Angie B. said...



"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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