Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What I've Learned

1.When All is said and find that all was never said or done!

2.If You find you can't get out of something...Then get into something.

3.Life is a game of balances

4.Never be afraid to start over.....

5.Re-invention is the spice of life

6.When I was a child, I was very impulsive....but my Grandmother always said -''He''ll be alright" and sometimes that's all you one person to believe in you!

7.Love may not really conquer all...But it conquers a lot!

8.Beards add ten years to your face...which is cool when you're 17 and trying to buy beer...but not so cool when you're 56 and it's starting to gray...

9.Life isn't fair or unfair...It just is...

10.If you're the smartest person in your group of friends....Then you need to make some new friends


1 comment:

Arlene said...

Well Mr. 56, you just get better with time! Keith, I look forward each morning to reading your thoughts on this blog. Every entry, especially those that mentions what was learned in youth and experienced in adulthood solidifies my belief that you (and I) were raised well by a family that cared for us and the community we lived in. God's joy and peace, my cousin.


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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