Saturday, July 9, 2016

Blood On The Flag

Since I last wrote on here...There has been another murder of a young black man by police...This time in a Minneapolis-St.Paul Suburb....

Philando Castile, the young man in Minnesota was licensed to carry a concealed weapon in Minnesota. This means that he was a law abiding citizen...Not a Thug as folks are quick to say when something like this happens.. This means that he, like other concealed permit holders are taught across the country, was preparing to provide his drivers license and weapons permit to the officer when he was shot! I know this how? because his girlfriend had the presence of mind to calmly explain to the world what had happened in real time on her smartphone and live stream it on Facebook.... People are always saying "Well If they would just comply...they wouldn't get shot...HE WAS COMPLYING WITH THE OFFICER!!! WHAT MORE DO WE NEED TO DO?

I wrote these impassioned words on my Facebook page a few days ago...His death coming just twenty four hours after the death of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge ,Louisiana at the hands of two cops...who tackled him and shot him to death during a tussle they initiated...

Naturally, people were outraged...and marches took place across the country...Here in Philadelphia, Atlanta, New York City ,Minneapolis -St. Paul and Dallas...

Last night..a misguided  individual ,Micah Xavier Johnson, 25..shot and killed five police officers and wounded six others in downtown Dallas...He was killed by police.

I condemn this act of senseless violence just as much as I do the two deaths of the young men in Baton Rouge,Lousiana  and Minnesota.

This was not the right response...

The World is going mad! Truly Going Mad...The spilling of innocent blood is never an answer to any thing...My sincere condolences to the families of the 5 police officers killed in Dallas Thursday night! More violence does not make the situation better!

America is seemingly more divided today than I can ever remember it being.. That's a lie...It's always been divided...This isn't new...It's just now people are being vocal and obvious about it and Social Media and Technology is showing us what was once quiet and unspoken...

It's time for healing...It's time for all Americans to come together and stop this foolishness...

To quote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr...

We'll either live together as Brothers or Perish together as fools!

With a heavy emphasis on fools!


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