Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Been a long time since I actually wrote something personal on this blog.....but I got to thinking the other day....and these are some thoughts I wanted to share..

This feud between #45 and Omarosa is funny at some points and sad at others...

It's amazing how you can be friends today and sworn enemies the next...Makes me think about the history of beef...Tupac and Biggie were friends once, before they became enemies..

Ceasar and Brutus were once friends...and Brutus stabbed him in the back. "Et Tu Brutus?" (You too Brutus?)

I had a friend once...We were such good friends,I considered this person family...We had a falling out in 2009 and ...haven't spoken since...I won't go into details...but we go to the same church...And we have walked past each other and haven't acknowledged the other's presence...One time ironically enough on a Sunday Bishop preached about reconciliation and forgiveness...Such is the nature of this beef..Details aren't important..but it is , what it is...

People think their petty disagreements are important, but in the long and short of things they really aren't...A few weeks ago a good friend of mine departed from this life and I heard another friend say.."You know we weren't speaking at the time of this person's death...I never got a chance to work things out.." 

You always think you got all the time in the world...but you really don't...Beef should only be sold at the supermarket..It shouldn't be a part of life...(Drops the mike!)

Just something to think about!

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"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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