Monday, May 3, 2010

What I've Learned

1. Sex is an act, love is a state of being.

2. I write, therefore, I am!

3. My grandmother used to say that "a man can wallow in dirt all night long, get up in the morning, put on a clean shirt and still be called "Mister", but a woman can 't do the same. Unfair? Yes, but true!

4. You trust everyone until they betray you or break your heart. Then, the trust is gone!

5. Never invest short and borrow long.

6. In the course of a lifetime, you watch different friends develop. Some have unfortunate turns of fate, some have bad marriages, others have drug or alcohol problems, etc. You try to help them out, but it's to no avail. Sometimes they even wind up resenting you for trying to help.

7. Friendship for me is how quickly I can get to the point with someone where we can both communicate openly and honestly about all aspects of our lives.

8. Everybody needs a respectable adversary to bring out the best in you, which is why I love the sport of boxing so much.

9. Philadelphia is a tough town. You can't come from here and not have tough skin. When they love you, they worship you... but when you screw up or disappoint, they crucify you. And, how can you never screw up? I've learned to take the bitter with the sweet in life, just from growing up here.

10. I believe everyone comes here with something special about them that they were born to do. Me? I was born to communicate!


Arlene said...

That's right!! you were born to communicate. From childhood, your childhood, I remember your gift of storytelling, grand expansive stories even at the age of 7. And I liked those stories then and I like them now. I stop by your blog and the Ladybug's now before I read the work email!! I know you are thankful for this gift. God bless and sustain the two of you.

Mizrepresent said...

YES at #2.

@ #3, so true, but so unfair.

And ditto for # 8.

Shai said...

I hate #3. Double standard sucks.


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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