Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Marco Who?

I was going to give blogging a rest for a few days...or at least two of my three blogs anyway..but of course...I could not...Someone had to say something dumb that got my attention.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who has been rumored to be in contention for vice-president, on Saturday slammed President Barack Obama for being, now get this the most divisive figure in American politics.Can you believe this?Can you believe that a republican has the audacity to say this? Who has divided our country more than they have? Whether it is along class lines, racial lines and now, gender lines.

"The man who today occupies the White House and is running for president is a very different person," Rubio said at a high-profile GOP fundraiser, where he claimed Obama has abandoned the ideals he ran on in 2008. "We have not seen such a divisive figure in modern American history than we have over the last three and one-half years."

Senator Rubio delivered this dig in front of nearly 1,000 South Carolina Republicans at the Silver Elephant Dinner, one of the state's biggest gatherings of GOPers and whose keynote speaker in 2011 was former presidential candidate Rick Santorum.

The junior senator from the Sunshine State drew praise from the state's most influential conservatives who took the stage before him, including Sens. Lindsey Graham and Jim DeMint and Gov. Nikki Haley.

Choosing to speak in the early primary state also gave rise to speculation about Senator Rubio's future political ambitions. As a young and popular Hispanic senator from a swing state, he has found himself in the midst of vice presidential speculation as I mentioned above.

But this event, along with his address earlier this month to a group of influential Iowa businesspeople, has fueled questions about the possibility of a Rubio presidential run.heaven forbid.

"I didn't know much about Marco other than all the hype that doesn't do you justice,” Senator Lindsey Graham said. “I've got a chance to travel with Marco, he's the future of the Republican party like [Rep.] Tim [Scott].

While Marco Rubio did not so much as mention Mitt Romney's name, he did prove he could play attack dog, spending the top of his speech critiquing the president for failing to live up to his campaign promises.

How bout we criticize them for not having any promises to live up to?  Hmmmmmm!

Rubio went on to say -"The president and his party’s view of America’s government and our lives is a failed one, It hasn’t worked. His ideas that sounded so good in the classrooms of Harvard and Yale haven’t really worked out well in the real world."

You guys (Republicans, Tea Party, less anyone here is confused!) wouldn't know what the "real world" looked like if it fell on you.

Senator Rubio has denied any speculation about possible vice presidential ambitions, (for now!)but his popularity outside his home state was on display Saturday night. The freshman senator drew applause equal only to that of DeMint, the tea party favorite and South Carolina native.

"In the end, as frustrated as sometimes we may get with the leadership of our own party on one issue or another, the logical home of the limited government, constitutional republican principles of our nation is the Republican party," Rubio said.
(He could have added, limited ideas and ideals too!)

"The logical home for the defense of the free enterprise system is the Republican party. It is the only organization in modern American politics that is still capable at this moment of driving forward these concepts and these principles that are so important for our future." he said.

Heard enough?  I know I have....The election is about 160 days away..Make sure you're registered to vote...Send these guys a clear message in November...Please!

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