Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Well,Last week, Mitt Romney and Republicans were battling a political storm over Todd Akin’s controversial remarks about abortion and rape, which dominated the political conversation and further highlighted the GOP’s gender gap.

 This week, they’re battling an actual storm that has already canceled one day of convention activities and speeches, and that threatens to divert the media’s attention to a potentially much bigger story.

Mitt Romney and the Republicans already were bombarded by Hurricane Akin, and they can’t afford to take another hit because of Tropical Storm (and soon-to-be Hurricane) Isaac.

Tampa has avoided a direct hit. Soon to be Hurricane Isaac risks presenting an even bigger problem for the convention planners in Tampa -- becoming a hurricane and slamming into Louisiana, Mississippi, and the Florida Panhandle later on today. while politically, it has raised the specter of Hurricane Katrina.

Hurricane Katrina anyone???

I don't think the Republicans want to be reminded of THAT public relations mess!

According to the New York Times: “Republicans were wary of the optics of television coverage split between the revelry and partisanship surrounding Mr. Romney’s nomination and the threat of the storm making landfall in Louisiana or Mississippi seven years to the week after Hurricane Katrina left an American city in ruins.”

The paper adds, “It is the second consecutive time Republicans have had their conventions disrupted by the August storms.”

Maybe God is trying to tell them something!  I'm just saying!


Sean said...

HAhahahahaha..yeah Keith,maybe he is!

Samuel Bastion said...

Good Post and so true it's not even funny!

James Perkins said...

Yeah God is trying to tell em to ceast and disist...But I doubt that they get it.

Brenda said...

You're Funny !

Wendy said...

LOL!!!I said this last night while watching Nightline they won't listen though.

Arlene said...

Oh yes cousin, Akin is the fool from Missouri. What about PA's fool running for senate?? I'm not all that attached to Bob Casey but his opponent is tea-party nut! I'd like to hear your take on this Smith guy for senate who likened his daughter's out-of-wedlock birth to his being raped!


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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