Sunday, February 17, 2008

Q. Still Don't Know Who To Vote For Yet?

The Pennsylvania Primary is just a few months away (April 22nd) and there are several candidates to choose from. How do you make such a decision? Rely on peer pressure (telling you who to vote for) or the media (telling you who the front-runners are)? NO! You can start with the Presidential Matchmaker Quiz to help determine the best-matching candidate for you based solely on the important issues of the day for this country (which are the only things that really matter, anyway). Simply answer the questions and find out which candidate shares most of your views. It goes without saying that no one will share all of your views. If you don't agree with the result, you don't have to vote for that person. You could also take the quiz "just for the heck of it" to see what candidate comes up for you. Either way, the ultimate decision is still up to you and no one else!

Please Note: This is not intended to be a personal endorsement for the website or the Presidential Matchmaker Quiz; but rather, a suggested resource that might help if you're really in a quandry about the best political candidate for the job of president. You should know that you will be required to give your name and email address to get the result of the quiz. The site will also allow you to supply the email addresses of friends that might want to take the quiz but, you can choose to skip this step (it is not mandatory).

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