Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The "Texas Two-Step"

Texas is a funny state... they do everything bigger and better there. They really do... I've been there. Today is their primary. The Texas primary may be the most unique of all primaries. It's the only one I know of where you can actually vote twice. From what I understand, they can vote in the actual primary and also in what they call a "caucus election". This is jokingly referred to as the "Texas Two-Step".

Hillary Clinton needs to win big in Texas and Ohio if she expects to have a realistic chance of winning the nomination. The reason I'm talking about Texas's importance as opposed to Ohio is because there are 228 delegates at stake there (Texas is the bigger state and it has a larger population). Obama has the lead right now and two big wins could help Hillary close the gap and even retake the lead.

It's funny... I'm making this sound like a sporting event. In a sense, politics... American Politics anyway... is a sporting event. Obama would love to win in Texas because a win for him there could put him so far over the top that his nomination would be a certainty. We'll see which one of them survives the dance.

Footnote: Click the State of Texas image above to read the U.S. News & World Report article, Explaining The Texas Two-Step, to learn more about this unique voting process.

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