E. was maybe two or three years younger than me, had a wicked sense of humor, and seemed to know everybody and everything about the area, even though I had been there a little longer than him. We became fast friends and would often talk about "guy" things... sports, cars, women, etc.
Soon, the three of us became good buddies. When I was home on the weekends, we would sit on S.'s steps... We would talk and laugh for a long time until my wife or E.'s "wife" would call and tell us dinner was ready.
S. soon moved his new girlfriend in with him and she had two little girls of her own from a previous relationship. Now, he lived in a house full of women. Nobody envied him. As a result, he had less and less time to hang with us but, he found the time when he could. I lived in a house full of women too but, unlike him, one wife and one daughter was my limit.
E. on the other hand, had no children and as I was to find out later, no wife either. He and J. were not actually married as I had thought... just living together. Because they weren't married, (I guess) E. felt no reason to be a "one woman" man. It seemed that everybody but J. knew that he was seeing a hairdresser on the sly... she lived about two blocks from all of us. There was also a "girl" about 20 or 21, who lived right across the street and had recently lost her virginity (she was so relieved that she told everybody). Well, guess who lovingly brought her into "womanhood"? The E. man!
Well, S. and I were "thrilled" by the stories of his two major conquests and we laughed it up with him but, we both warned him... If we knew what he was doing, it wouldn't be long before J. found out. He sighed and admitted that he had a good woman and that he planned to marry her soon but, that he had to get all of the play out of him first. Ladies, I'll let you in on a secret... If you're with a guy and he keeps saying that, RUN LIKE HELL! He's never going to get all of the play out of him.
Well, one day I came home from work and what did I see? Suitcases and boxes on the front porch of E. and J.'s house. A cab drove up and started packing all of E's belonging's in the trunk and backseat. E. looked like he was trying to explain something but, J. wasn't hearing it! He walked down the steps, managed a weak goodbye to me and S., and got in the cab and pulled off. It also turned out that the fly car he was always driving wasn't his... it was J.'s, just like the house. Needless to say, I never saw E. again.
As for S., he married his girlfriend and moved her and his now family of six little girls into a bigger house out in the suburbs last year. I've seen him maybe twice since he left the block. I miss E. and his funny stories and I also miss S. and his heroic life and easy-going mannerisms.
I am now waiting for my 2 year old grandson's budding maturity... Only then will I have another male to talk to, kick it with, and bond.
Note: This post was for my new blog friends, Zack and Mizrepresent.