Friday, May 2, 2008

Untitled (I'm Not Going To...)

I am not going to write another post about Rev. Jeremiah Wright. I don't care what he says... he's had his 15 minutes of fame. Actually, he's had way more than 15 minutes. I've also decided that I'm not going to write about this campaign anymore until there is a major breakthrough... like a nominee is chosen by the Democrats. Instead, I'll be writing about the recent marriages of Jay Z & Beyonce and Nick Cannon & Mariah Carey. (Say what?) At least, those things are more entertaining than "Campaign 08" has turned out to be.

I'm very disapointed. The campaign started out different... for once, it was about issues and real life problems with the possibility of problem solving. But now, it has turned into just another campaign with mud slinging and personal attacks. It's the same old song.

So, I'm not going to write another post about Obama, Clinton, Reverend Wright, or Sinbad. OK, maybe Sinbad, since he was one of the survivors of that Bosnian sniper fire.

1 comment:

ZACK said...

First, let me apologize for not visiting your blog for a while. I've been so into my blog, that I forgot about the people who made my blog do so well. Sorry again.

Now on to the situation at hand. I'm from Chicago, I've met Rev. Wright many times and he's a good man. Honestly, I think that because the Clintons used to deal with him, he is being a Judas to Obama right now. Of course he would never come out and admit to it, but the whole Rev. Barbara Reynolds situation is just too fishy for me. It's like he was paid to clown on purpose to derail Barack's campaign.

Considering that the Clintons still have government connections, they probably are blackmailing Rev. Wright. I feel this way because Monday's event was not serving to his character. He is way more subdued than he was acting at the conference.

You can post about Karl Malone's freaky ass (getting a 13 year old pregnant 25 years ago). Come to my blog for more details.


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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