Monday, April 23, 2012

Motor City Motormouth

You know when I was in high school back in the 70's... I vaguely remember Ted Nugent. The white kids in my suburban high school played some of his music....Within a few years...He was totally irrelevant...Which he is now of course.

So with the exception of Ted Nugent playing a hitman in one of my favorite Miami Vice episodes of the eighties...I expect that he will once again fade into irrellevance once this latest brouhaha that he created is over
Last week he gained the most fame and news reportage he's had since the seventies when he made incendiary remarks against Preisdent Obama and stopped short of threatening the President's life...
The Secret Service is presently investigating him.  I find it amazing that he's such a right wing Republican nutcase now.. I remember back in the  70's when he was a left wing hippie type of guy who admits that he urinated on himself for days so that he would be so digusting , the draft board would turn him away... See , he opposed the Vietnam war that much!  I am assuming that he must have smelled pretty bad...because he never got drafted or served in the Vietnam War.
He's also an admitted pedophile.... Rock Star, Courtney Love tells a story (that Nugent has never denied by the way!) of how she gave him oral sex when she was 12  and he was 28!!!!!!  

Hmmmmmm!!!!   Now I know, we have all MADE mistakes in our past...Some of us ,more than others...But I wonder about a man who freely admits and doesn't disavow these kinds of mistakes and who endorses the GOP candidate fror President!!Hmmmmmmmmm!
Another Thing...Ted Nugent is also a hypocrite...He's all for the U.S. fighting wars...NOW of course, when he is too old to actually have to fight in them himself...And I can say that...because I was in the military...I didn't piss my pants ,so that they could turn me away....I'm aiming this at all those right wing nutjobs who wrapped themselves in the American Flag and give so much mouth time to fighting wars and serving the country.....I'm wondering , did you actually serve your country?
Or is it just cool to advocate someone else doing the fighting (and dying??)

You might want to watch this clip-

1 comment:

Arlene said...

Keith, I can't believe Ted either. But I'm most insulted by the response of Huckabee! Huck's supposed to be a minister, a Baptist minister at that!! Anyone who has ever heard a Ted Nugent song or who has even seen him, must know that the man has issues. But a preacher who takes Ted's side is very disturbing!!


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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