Thursday, August 15, 2013

Random Thoughts

1. Is it me or are a lot of people feeling free to parade their overt racism for all to see?

2. Is it me or are a lot of people feeling free to parade their stupidity for all to see also?

3.Due to the nearly annual million-dollar school budget deficit, the Philadelphia Board of Education voted to close 27 schools and lay off counselors and assistant principals of the city's public school system, an outcome that is sure to raise the crime rate(because you know that some people aren't going to go to the new school in the rival neighborhood!) and fill up the new prison they just paid for. Can't help thinking that this was the grand design.

4.What happened to the year?  I can't believe that summer is nearly over!

5.Black women in general always complain about how they are portrayed in the media, and rightfully so. I mean nobody one wants to see negative stereotypes of themselves. And yet these same black women condone and even encourage such behavior in wildly popular "reality television" programs like Love and Hip Hop and Basketball wives and the like!  Leaves me shaking my head!

6.Eric Snowden has got to be feeling some kind of home sick right about now!

7.D'Angelo...When are you going to release that third album we've been waiting for? Talk to him Questlove!

8.I'm Happy to be amongst the original Blog crew that began blogging  in the late part of the last decade and are still at it...Shout outs to 12Kyle, Don, Mizrepresent, L.Chantay, Curvy Girl , Blu Jewel, Bored and Talkative, Free Spirit Butterfly , The Field Negro, Ladylee,Moanerplicity, Shelly Shell, Southern Gal and Eb the Celeb.

9.Perhaps I'll write that novel or screenplay after all one day!

10.Thanks for reading ,I do this to amuse myself...but am so touched that I often touch others by what I write!

1 comment:

James Perkins said...

Thought number three was right on the money!


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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