Monday, September 9, 2013

Syria and Consistancy!

In 2001 after 911, there was a lot of hysteria and nationalism in this country and a big push for war...President George W. Bush was making a case for war with Iraq...I was dead set against it...I kept screaming.."What about getting Osama Bin Laden?? I thought that that was why we were in Afghanistan...What has Iraq got to do with this...

Before my eyes I began to see how stupid and gullible the American people truly are...We were carted one lie after another...That there was a link between Bin Laden's Al queda and Saddam Hussein...When by simply reading anything written about Saddam ,it would have been clear that nothing was further from the truth...

Al Queda was made up of Islamic fundamentalist...While Saddam was not known to be religious at all...His government was actually a bit of bastardized socialism...with just a twinge of Islamic religion tossed in...He was diametrically opposed to Bin Laden and Al Queda...

The claim was made that Iraq was stock piling weapons of mass destruction....Which by the way still have not been found...Not one...I found this incredible since we had the country surrounded at the time and was restricting everything that came and went...

Yet, somehow, the American people gave Mr. Bush a blank check and without asking the Congress a damn thing...We marched into a long costly war without provocation of a nation that hadn't committed one act of aggression against us....

To make matters worse...We entered into a long costly war with a nation we are still fighting in ,supposedly to root out Osama Bin Laden...Who was across the border in another nation, chilling in a mansion and laughing his ass off at the U.S.

We didn't learn from the Russians who also stayed in Afghanistan so long that their economy collapsed...Just like ours has.


A little known Jr. Senator from Illinois was one of the few brave voices who spoke out vehemently against both of those wars...

That senator's name was Barrack Obama....I remember him...It was the first time I'd ever heard of him..

So who knew that in ten years he would be President of the United States?

Who knew that like Bush, he'd be beating the drums for yet another Middle Eastern military action??

I try to be consistant if nothing else...I was against the war in Iraq....It made no sense...I was against going into Afghanistan for anything other than to find Bin Laden, to get him and bring him and his cronies to justice.

And I'm against Air strikes in Syria... I agree that Assad is a mad man and that he needs to be knocked out of power...but why does the United States have to be the ones to do it?

If we want to get rid of tyrants...There are plenty...Those guys in West Africa...In the Sudan, That fat little guy in North Korea...Just to name a few...

Sometimes these things actually work themselves out and the people in these regions overthrow these guys...

We don't have the money to be entering another middle east conflict...Save Newark, Save Detroit, Save Chicago, Save New Orleans and Save Philadelphia...Then let's worry about Syria and some other country...

That's just my opinion!

1 comment:

Daij said...

And your opinion is the same as mine. I feel the exact same that you do.
We don't need to be the policemen for the entire world.


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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