Tuesday, April 29, 2014

(There Is No Such Thing As )Post Racial America

In 2008 on the night ,Barrack Obama became our first African-American president....I cheered and I admit, I believed that America had turned a corner...a racial corner...He was elected with the votes of Blacks,Latinos and Whites....

This was something that I thought would never happen in my lifetime and if it did...It would certainly be near the very end of it....My Grandson was two years old then..I thought that the first Black president would be someone from his generation...Never thought that it would be someone from MY generation...

The new President and I are only three years apart in age...but I digress...I do that a lot now of days...Shortly after his election...Some people in this country let me see beyond a shadow of a doubt just how far we as a nation have not come...

The nastiness, the ugliness, the unhidden almost proud racism of some of my fellow Americans was unleashed beyond anything I had seen since the 1960's.....The disrespect this President and his family have received , not just from some redneck yokel, but from Politicians, and people with degrees and pedigrees..has been just astounding...

I mean, people aren't even trying to hide it...They are wearing their hatred, their ugliness, their vileness on their shoulders with pride....

Then in 2012...We elected him again!!!!  Immediately, you had people in some of the southern states asking to secede from the union!!! Really??? I was embarrassed that some of my countrymen were obviously so stupid...Apparently they forgot that that matter was settled during the civil war in 1865!

So tell me again that this is Post Racial America...

Last week The Supreme Court declared that "Racism is over" and so we don't really need Affirmative Action anymore...Really?  Then we have Bundy and Donald Sterling coming out the next few days to beg to differ that point...

I would like to not to have to write about race...I would like to just be allowed to be a human being...Just once .....but Black people have never been allowed to be just normal human beings at anytime in this country..We've always been some other beings...Something different....If white people could just see us as human beings just like them...I mean really see us as such...perhaps we could look past race for once...

(Yes Clarence Uncle Thomas...That means you too!)

So tell me again about this Post Racial America!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know Keith, you couldn't be any more right, but I will correct you on one thing though..In MY humble opinion, I'd rather someone show me their hand so I know who/what they are instead of them "playing nice" with me. This quote came to mind "Don't fear the enemy that attacks you, fear the fake friend that hugs you".

We've all known and lived with the the fact that racism is not just alive and well in the US, but it's thriving. People are using their Freedom of Speech to say what they want because their speech is "protected". Ironic, when we'll protect words, but not actions.

With the current racism scandal with Donald Stirling, why are we surprised anymore that people are saying such things? People who say such things have always said them; the only difference is now there are a multitude of ways to reveal their ignorant, racial slurs.

When we have a Supreme Court that declares racism is dead obviously live in sequestration from the real US.


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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