Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What I've Learned

1.Too much compromise is never a good thing.

2. You don't want things to be nice and easy...You say you do..but you don't.

3.My mother used to be able to look at someone's face and determine that they'd had a hard life...I thought she was pulling my leg until I realized the toll that stress and drug use and alcoholism takes on a person's face.

4.Without Fear, you'd never survive!

5.You can only do so much...Then you're at the mercy of circumstance!

6.There is Genius in simplicity!

7. You are who you think are.

8.I liked being in the military. And I like being out of the military too. It was another job, that's all. I took pride in doing that job well when I was in the military, but to tell the truth me and  most of the guys I served with laughed at the preachers and politicians who thought it was a noble calling.

9.Family and Friends have made me happier than all of the money I earned and lost!

10. Some times you have to walk away from a problem and approach it a different way and a different way!


1 comment:

Brenda said...

Loved Number 3 and Number 8


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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Click on image to enlarge for reading

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