Friday, June 12, 2015

Denmark And Happiness

Look at that?  Twenty Dollar minimum wage, 33 hour work week, Free College Education, Free Childcare and Free Healthcare...And you ask SHOULD AMERICA follow the lead? Should they?

I think everybody should follow this lead...but this won't happen and you know why?Because...The leaders of the United States and other so called civilized nations don't really care about or want it's population happy....Sounds harsh and irresponsible doesn't it?

Think about it for a minute...

We have a congress and an entire political party that is dedicated to making sure that certain people of a certain race, a certain sex, a certain nationality and a certain economic class live miserable lives....

Am I being extremist?  Am I being irresponsible???  Who is it that votes against health care , a higher minimum wage and more funding for public school education consistantly?  I'll leave it at that...

We aren't even talking about a shorter work week...or childcare for working parents or making a college education more affordable....These people demonize the poor and middle class and they drag out racism and biases to keep these sectors fighting each other constantly and even convince some of these very poor that it is in their best interest not to have a higher minimum wage, not to have a shorter workweek, not to have better public schools..not to have better highways and railroads...and I could go on...How they pull that off is miraculous...but they do it...

The result..24/7 misery...Nowhere near close to Denmark and Happiness...

No...The powers that be in America are not the least bit interested in your happiness..or well being...They are only interested in keeping the one percent of this nation that has the highest wealth happy....Everybody else's well being be damned...

We are a long way from Denmark and Happiness.


Toni said...

Interesting read.....

Angie B. said...

You dropped a second one on us today huh?

Captain Jack said...

You're givin it to the damn people son!

Unknown said...

Hi friend......Success in its highest and noblest form calls for peace of mind and enjoyment and happiness which come only to the man who has found the work that he likes best.Read more-Life And Happiness Center In Florida


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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