Monday, June 1, 2015

What I've Learned

1.Marry your friend and you are more than likely to stay married!

2. Marriage is not for sissies...

3.You can never con an honest man.

4. A lot of people want something for nothing..

5.At some point I got tired of following my dreams...I asked them where they were going.

6.I've always heard...Find a job you love and you'll never work again...Haven't found that job..It's always work.

7.I Don't Give Advice....When I did, No one ever took it!

8.With a lot of the important people who I respected  now deceased....I don't want any advice either.

9.I need a new thrill...

10.And yet,I'm coming to the age where nothing surprises me or fills me with wonder anymore..Yet,there must be something out there...One more thing I haven't experienced.


1 comment:

Sunflower said...

Always Love these posts!


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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