Monday, June 29, 2015

Heritage Of Hatred

If you read the meme above that just about says everything......

"As a people we are fighting to maintain the Heaven-ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematical of our cause."
—William T. Thompson (April 23, 1863)

That is what the flag's  designer said....And face it...The Ku Klux Klan and White Supremacist groups have made this flag their flag and have been shown in photos with this flag for years....

This flag is just as ugly as the Nazi flag is to the Jewish people and White Supremacist groups have used that flag too...

Both flags symbolize the ugliest and darkest hours of the human soul and shouldn't even be in a museum if you ask me...but that's just my opinion...

They would never fly the Nazi flag anywhere a large group of Jewish people reside and to fly that flag in a state or anywhere with a huge population of African-Americans is an affront....

Taking that flag down from state houses though is just symbolic...It doesn't destroy the racist cancer that is inherent in the hearts of many Americans... Far too many...Some who are arrogantly proud of their racism and wear it like a badge of courage...

I'd rather we remove that racist cancer in their hearts than take down some old piece of cloth...It's just easier to take down the piece of cloth.

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