Sunday, July 5, 2015


I hope everybody enjoyed Independence Day Yesterday....I hate to throw a downer on the celebration, but just remember...If You're African-American....You were not independent on July 4th 1776...Your ancestors were still slaves....Slaves of the very same people who had declared their independence from the King of England...You weren't considered human beings..You were property..

I like a good celebration like anybody else...but I am under no delusion that yesterday was MY holiday...It was a holiday just the same and I barbecued and enjoyed it...I am certainly independent now....Certainly an American citizen now...and a Human Being..unlike my poor ancestors , who were slaves..But I'm aware of the facts....

When a man is aware of the facts and his worth as a human being...Then he is truly independent!

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"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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