Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Slicing & Dicing

"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

You know, after reading these comments, I had to laugh... What in the hell is Ferraro talking about? If Obama was a white man, I'm sure that this presidential race would be a lot easier for him, despite the fact that he is winning, hands down at the moment. For one thing, his race would not be a factor... it wouldn't keep coming up. She says that if he were a woman of any color, he wouldn't be in "this position". So, is that why, Hillary Clinton (who was a woman the last time I checked) while not in the lead, certainly has a shot at the nomination. So, what is her point? Okay, she says further that he (Obama) is "...lucky to be who he is". Since when has it been "lucky" to be a black man in this country? You tell me... "And the country is caught up in the concept" Are they really?

I think the country wants something different, new, progressive, and challenging. I think people are tired of the same ol', same ol'... This is a young man who is articulate and who actually has ideas and plans. I think that is why the people who have decided to support him are looking past his race. It surprises me that he's winning in some of the places where he's winning but, yet he is! Americans appear to be looking past his race yet, it still keeps coming up and not where I would expect it, in the Republican camp. But rather, amongst his fellow Democrats. That's sad and as I've said before, this had better stop because John McCain is in the wings with a unified Republican machine that knows how to win. The question is, can the Democrats stop slicing and dicing each other in time to learn how to win?

1 comment:

Arlene said...

Keith, The Inquirer and Daily News need you. Perhaps if their writing was as good as your's people would stop turning on the TV to get news & information. Again, I say you are right on the money in your analysis of this political muck. Hillary should have RENOUNCED, DENOUNCED AND REPUDIATED every word that came from Ferraro's mouth. By not being forthright, Hilliary is tacitly condoning ignorance. Keep writing!! I love it.


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