Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Better Living Through Better Eating

Like a lot of people in my new age bracket, I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. In addition to some of the medication I have to take to regulate it, I have been told that I have to exercise and eat better. If you knew me in my 20's & 30's, I was quite the athlete... often coming home from work and running two to three pick-up basketball games a night. This also means that I either have to give up or eat moderately, all of the things I like...cheese steaks, soul food, hoagies, chinese food with MSG, etc.

I know it's not going to be easy but, I would like to be around to write my 100,000,000th blog post (this one is my 73rd) so, I have decided to change my eating habits. I came across this article on healthy eating and I decided to post it for myself and all of you. Life is precious people, we've all got to eat better and lead more active lives. Someone reminded me recently that you aren't just living for yourself... you're also living for all of the people who love you and think you're something special!

12 Quick Tips for Eating the Mediterranean Way
Help your heart and overall health with these simple steps.
By Peter Jaret, EatingWell.com

Food is far more than sustenance. The dishes we eat are often imbued with family traditions, cultural history, and even personal memories—and that’s as it should be. But, as studies around the world have shown, eating patterns as different from ours as those in Sweden and India can be tweaked to take advantage of the health benefits associated with traditional Mediterranean diets. Here’s how:

1. Replace butter with olive or canola oil whenever possible.

2. Snack on nuts, seeds or fruit instead of processed foods.

3. Include a generous leafy green salad with most dinners.

4. Help yourself to whole-grain bread, pasta, rice and other grains.

5. Fix at least a couple of vegetarian meals every week.

6. Add a dish or two that contains legumes (beans and lentils) to your weekly menu.

7. Have fish (not fried) at least twice a week.

8. If you eat meat, favor chicken and other poultry.

9. Eat red meat only occasionally, and in small servings.

10. If you drink, have no more than a glass or two with a meal.

11. Enjoy fruit for dessert.

12. Set aside enough time to savor every bite.

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