Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The New "Willie Horton"

Recently, I've seen Rev. Jeremiah Wright on TV more than Barrack Obama. I almost forgot which black man was running for President.

Well, the fix is already in... Rev. Wright is destined to become the new "Willie Horton". You remember him don't you? He was the black convict who was pardoned by then Governor Dukakis. While on parole, he raped and killed someone else. George Bush, Sr. and the Republican party pulled him out and trotted him across the stage as proof that Dukakis, who was then the Democratic nominee, was "soft on crime". Despite the obvious racial overtones and code words apparent here, Willie Horton, who was by that time safely behind bars and who had probably never met either candidate, became the most famous (or infamous, depending on how you look at it) black man in America. He single handedly helped George Herbert Walker Bush get into the White House.

Jeremiah Wright is certainly going to keep Obama out of the White House, if the Republicans and certain Democrats have their way. I don't think any reporter or any political talking head has the right to tell me who my friends should be. I don't think I should have to apologize for knowing somebody who may or may not, as the case may be, have said something that was "politically incorrect". It's not right and it's not fair.

After the Geraldine Ferraro mishap, Hillary Clinton apologized just once and kept it moving. John McCain apologized for one of his supporters who kept trying to make a big deal out of Barrack's middle name, Hussein. Again, McCain apologized once and you haven't heard anymore about it. Why are we still talking about Jeremiah Wright? If the man is so foul, why is the media giving him a free platform? This is the kind of hypocrisy that turns a lot of people off about the entire political process and makes America a laughing stock overseas.

Once again, welcome to the USA, where nothing gets done and nothing ever changes because nobody here can focus on real problem solving for too long. We get distracted. There's that word again... distraction. We get distracted by Willie Horton, Jeremiah Wright, the location of Britney Spears' panties, how much Lindsey Lohan had to drink last night, Paris Hilton, and an amazing assortment of other nonsense.

Hey, Willie Horton... holla back if ya hear me!

1 comment:

ZACK said...

This is a funny, informative, and thought-provoking post.

I beg to differ with you on Rev. Wright about the "Willie Horton" moniker, but I was 4 years old back in '88, so to each his own.

He has hurt Obama's campaign, but what is the saddest part is that you reap what you sow. Obama hasn't looked out for his own, so now his own are betraying him more than his pastor ever could. Blacks are not excited about his presidency anymore because he's a switch hitter. No, not in the derogatory, sexual way, but in the ethnic way. He's black when it is convenient. So, now he can conveniently struggle his way to the White House. Who the heck cares?


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