Thursday, April 17, 2008

Super Stupid

Last night during the Pennsylvania Democratic Debate, a young woman asked Barack Obama why he doesn't wear a flag pin on his lapel "as our soldiers and fire fighters do"? I was livid! With all the serious issues on the table at this moment, this silly woman has the gall to ask someone about the flag pin on their lapel? What is wrong with people?

But, you would be surprised how many people take stupid stuff like that serious. They decide who they're going to vote for based on "Who is more likely the kind of guy (or gal) I'd like to have a beer with." This is how George W. Bush got elected! Hell, there are people I like a lot who I have enjoyed a few beers with but, I wouldn't trust them to do a breakfast order for me, let alone run my country.

Then, there are the people who keep asking Chelsea Clinton how the Monica Lewinsky scandal might effect her mother's presidency." Why should it? That happened about ten years ago and it really effected HER FATHER'S PRESIDENCY. The people that ask this really don't care what her answer is... they think they're being smart... they also think they're being funny. What they really are is stupid. They are wasting the time of perhaps, someone with a legitimate question.

The Republicans have won elections with stupid non-issues... gay marriage, flag burning, saying the Pledge of Allegience in school, etc. They are counting on stupidity to get them over once again!


ZACK said...

Don't let the little questions get you down, Bro. Keith. It's the stuff that their thinking in their head that's EVEN WORSE.

Good post.

Arlene said...

I agree cuz. And that's why I'm "bitter." George "Dubya" was able to steal a his 1st and 2nd terms of office because idiots thought he would have made an interesting drinking partner. Now we all suffer the consequences. Is it any wonder that the price of oil has skyrocketed with an "oilman" as president? Let the stupid ponder that!!


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